Sarasota, Florida

Frequently Asked Questions
Many of your questions may be answered below. If they are not, please push the button and submit your question, and we will answer it and/or add it to the FAQs.

Yes, as a guest of a present member or an affiliate.


You may pick and choose which events you would like to attend.

Yes, we have exceptionally low annual dues of $50.

Join Chaîne des Rôtisseurs

Membership of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs is by personal invitation. Belonging to this truly international community brings a wealth of opportunities for members to participate in exciting events worldwide.

These events, organized by national or local Bailliages, bring together people with a mutual interest in and passion for good food, conviviality and fellowship.

The benefits of an extensive international network and presence mean that members are welcome at any member establishment or event anywhere in the world.

Chaîne membership is recognized internationally and is transferable worldwide.